Cyber Shield has extensively researched online grooming cases in various countries, including the US, Korea, the UK, and Japan. Each paper comprehensively explores the tactics employed by groomers to approach victims, the methods of online harassment they used, the legal processes leading to their arrest, as well as the government's efforts to address the issue, and the proposed solutions to combat online grooming. To support our findings, the research includes well-presented visual aids, such as graphs and tables, showcasing data from surveys and previous grooming cases. Our goal is to create awareness about these cases' prevalence globally and generate innovative ideas to prevent such incidents in the future.

Yebin Sim
The harrowing 2019 film exposé Nth Room Case, shook South Korea with its exhaustive unveiling of the disturbing reality of online grooming and sexual abuse in the nation. Prompted by an anonymous message to take investigative action, courageous journalist Kim Wan fearlessly pursued the Nth Room Case, unearthing a network of Telegram group chat rooms where underage teenagers fell victim to unimaginable coercion and exploitation. This paper delves into the intricate details of the Nth Room case and sheds light on the perpetrators' cunning, exploitative tactics, and the profound damage they left on countless victims with their cruelty. Additionally, this paper discusses the subsequent actions taken by the South Korean government post-Nth Room to prevent online grooming and emphasizes the urgency to continue battling against online grooming to safeguard potential victims in the digital age.

Joon Park
This research paper investigates Japan's legal response to online grooming, sexual harassment, and sexual assault, examining relevant laws and their enforcement. Despite recent reforms, the judicial system still faces numerous challenges in prosecuting offenders effectively. The paper emphasizes the need for additional reforms to protect victims and create a safer environment for vulnerable people. Education and awareness campaigns are suggested as critical preventative measures.

Danika Koo
My research is conducted based on the cases of online grooming in the UK, including potential solutions and the current UK law on this issue. Especially as technology advances, the UK faces an increase in online grooming cases. In particular, the global social media platform, snapchat is often the key to the beginning of online grooming, thus this paper dives deeper into the safety policies, research, and law enforcements of snapchat, as well emphasizing the inadequacy of the training, and measures put in place in schools.

Hyunjae Cho
This research paper dives into the problems with the growing cases regarding online grooming in the United States and possible solutions. The United States currently faces a significant increase in online grooming cases, and this is no standard grooming case. Online grooming has its way of incognitizing the predator while still bringing a detrimental impact on the prey/victim. Regarding this major threat to the safety of many people, this paper emphasizes the need for more improvements in the judicial system, which is still adapting to the new online version of grooming.