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Red Hand
Welcome to our Online Grooming Awareness Resources.
This comprehensive manual on Online Grooming Awareness was designed to empower individuals with the knowledge they need to recognize and combat the dangers of online grooming.
Online grooming refers to the insidious tactic used by predators to manipulate and exploit victims, particularly children and vulnerable individuals, through various online platforms.

Dongjak Youth Culture Center
Partnership Update!
Partnering with Dongjak Youth Culture Center, this new edit of "The Red Hand" is specially edited and produced by the Cyber Shield team for the Donjak Youth Culture Center's online grooming awareness educational material.
Through captivating visuals and a compelling narrative, “The Red Hand” emphasizes the importance of education and vigilance in protecting oneself and loved ones from online grooming.
The key highlight of this media is its ability to use simplistic silhouettes of the figures to indicate who's the victim and who's the predator. The film almost oversaturated the content and storyline to create attention-catching sequences and shots. The flawless transitions between shots create a fluid dynamic while viewing this animation, while prime examples could be the zoom on the mouth and saliva into text bubbles.
Cyber Shield exploited this creative aspect of fictional animation to make vivid yet informational awareness video. To dive into the creation process, the whole team contributed to what the overall theme and vibe the animation was going to emit towards our audience.
Together, we narrowed down the specific message we wanted to convey and overall parts of images we thought were compelling. In specific, Henry, our writer for the film Snap, took the major script writing for the outline of the film, while Yebin, our director for the film, took upon herself to specifically go into details to draw out particular sections to animate.
In this process, Joon animated the actual figures and objects while Danika color graded and worked on the transitions. In the end, it was overall a team effort to create the entire animation, in which we deem a success. Please feel free to share this piece with your friends and loved ones so that you can help spread awareness about online grooming.
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